some stuff about me ...

writer. mother. partner. friend. human.
intuitive and cyclic living enthusiast.
meditation teacher.
seer. clairocognizant.
empathic + compassionate-but
Kali-energy efficient! ❤︎

Passionate about my connection with:
-my clan + tribe -magic
-conscious parenting -women’s circles
-my body -my cycle -my womb
-red tenting
-writing -reading 
-Self-Love + Care
-meditation -yoga 
-Inner child work
-my journaling practice
-my Mythical Goddess Tarot deck &  collection of Oracle cards that keep call on me ... 🌼
-the wind 🌬🍃 -energy work (+reiki) 
-cacao medicine
-the Sun & the Moon
-rituals and ceremonies (mine + shared)
-goddess energy -mi brujita 'mode'
-sensuality + sexuality
(and using both in energy work)
-the balancing and healing of the
sacred feminine + divine masculine
-community -PachaMama -the elements -the sea 🌊 


I enjoy working with different archetypes.
{I embrace the wild woman spirit within me, and tap into it regularly.}
i delight on being barefoot as much as possible and it shows.
i believe in the healing properties of herbs and nourishing foods.
i love my mystical +
real +  messy + beautiful life ♥️.

i also enjoy being in nature, the animal kingdom,
(Oh!) ... AND ...
breaking free from the patriarchy!